SITTI upgrade of Cambodia systems


The positive reputation that SITTI has accumulated in the past few years from supplying several systems in the Far East region is further enhanced after winning a new order through Samart Aviation Solutions Public Company Limited (SAV). The new order consists of two new VCSs (Voice Communication System) for the main airports in Cambodia:

  • NPPIA – New Phnom Penh International Airport
  • NSRIA – New Siem Reap International Airport

Both VCSs belong to the M800IP® family of MULTIFONO ® systems, which implement the latest provisions defined by the most recent international standards issued by the competent bodies, such as the EUROCAE ED 137 standard. This latter defines the way the VOIP technology (Voice over IP) is used in the Air Traffic Control (ATC) field.

The end customer is the national ANSP, Cambodia Air Traffic Services (CATS) which is responsible for the handling flights in Cambodian airspace. Each system encompasses four controller working positions connected to a significant number of VOIP radio channels and telephone lines.

The systems are also equipped with radio and telephone gateways for interfacing analogue connections to the new VOIP based network. Best Signal Selection (BSS) modules allow for the proper management of distributed radio frequencies to offer controllers the best received audio.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of providing prompt and top edge solutions to suit customer needs, both in the civilian and military fields. The leading edge, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity to easily expand and add further functionalities.