RECO 3.26


Reco 3.26 is an innovative SME, specialized in the field of Artificial Intelligence applied to Computer Vision and Video Analysis.

In 2018 the company developed its first product, the S.A.R.I., for the Ministry of the Interior and the State Police, based on Intelligent Recognition (Facial Recognition) and patented in Italy and in USA.

Reco 3.26 offers innovative, sustainable and customized computer vision solutions to companies and other entities around the world. It acts with a sense of environmental and social responsibility.

Reco 3.26 responds to customer needs in terms of: Safety and Security; Border Control; Intelligent Management of Passenger Flows; Access control; Recognition of faces, behaviours and emotions; Crowd Detection; Object detection; Quality control; Smart City.

The main customers who make use of Reco technologies, operate in the following sectors: Public Administration and State Police; Airports and Ports; Stadiums; Industrial Production and Manufacturing; Private Companies.

Top Clients of the Company: Milan Bergamo Airport, Italy; Catania Airport, Italy; Aeroporti di Puglia, Italy; Umbria Airport, Italy; Forlì Airport, Italy; Palermo Airport, Italy; Malta Airport & Ports; Italian government and state police; Sport e Salute Spa, Italy; Leonardo, Italy; ATM (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi), Italy; San Siro Stadium, Italy.

Our numbers


Products & Services



In 2019, Reco develops the Face2Fly system currently present at Catania and Milan-Bergamo Orio al Serio Airports. Using innovative biometric facial recognition technologies, the system allows you to verify the identity of the passenger, trace the passage from the various checkpoints at the airport and verify that he is authorized to access the boarding gate.

In 2022, the company introduced the Entry/Exit system for the border control and the management of extra-Schengen passenger flows, at the Milano Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport. Then, the solution was installed in the following Airports: Catania Fontanarossa, Brindisi, Bari, Forlì, Perugia and Palermo.

In the same period the company designed the Facial Image Capture Totem for the identification of a subject through facial biometrics, for border control, currently present in the Terminals and at Malta Airport.

The company’s prerogative is to accept new exciting challenges every day, presenting innovative and sustainable projects.  A new product is Hawkeye Totem used to acquire a photo of a face and for biometric verification. It can also be used in a separate biometric identification process;

Furthermore, Reco has developed, for Leonardo spa, a technology that allows to carry out an automated analysis of fuselages defects on particular materials (such as carbon and aluminum) in Aerostructures Sector. For more details click here.

Reco 3.26 has developed other solutions, such as:

  • Easy Access to verify the identity of a person to authorize entry/exit from/to specific restricted areas
  • Object Recognition  to detect and report in real time the presence / removal of objects within a specific video surveillance area
  • Reco Smart Parking for the control of vehicle access, through automatic recognition of number plates. It allows for intelligent management of car entrances and exits from unattended car parks using the Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) algorithm
  • Reco Crowd Detection to detect the density of aggregation of people and to report in real time the formation of a crowd or the presence of groups
  • Reco People Counting to count the number of people passing through a video surveillance area in both directions of travel




Reco 3.26 offers a solution, called Face2Fly, for the management of passenger flow, through a biometric identification system, from check-in to the boarding gate, in a fully automated and seamless way.

Solution for automated and seamless management of passenger flow, from airport entry to boarding, using facial biometrics.
Reco 3.26 proposes a complete experimentation of the passenger’s “free to move” process at the airport through “hand free boarding”, as an alternative to traditional and resource-intensive manual controls.
Using innovative technologies that involve the integration of computer vision and video analysis techniques, in order to implement “biometric verification” and “biometric identification” scenarios based on “face recognition”, it’ss possible to analyze in real time the faces of travelers who they pass through the various security checkpoints (possibly equipped with motorized gates) to the airport boarding gates.

Access control can be carried out by introducing yourself:

  • at the check points near the Fast track
  • at the airport security checkpoints
  • at the check points of the areas reserved for VIP customers
  • at the boarding gate (e-gate)

The FACE2FLY solution developed by Reco allows you to:

  • Enroll your biometric data at the Welcome Kiosk: the Welcome Kiosk will show the passenger information in order to acquire their “consent” to the processing of their personal data. In case of acceptance, the kiosk will instruct the passenger to insert, in the appropriate scanner, first their “electronic identity document” and then the “boarding pass” to verify its validity. Subsequently, the kiosk will invite the passenger to lend his face to the webcam to take a photo of him in order to carry out the biometric verification and in view of a subsequent biometric identification to be carried out near the security checkpoint or e-gate.
    Alternatively, the Enrollment can be carried out, from the comfort of the sofa at home, via the Face2Fly App.
  • Carry out the identification, by facial recognition, of the passenger at the Face Kiosk: the task of the Face kiosk is to recognize the passenger by means of the facial biometrics, verify the boarding pass, trace the passage from a specific ” check point ”and notify on screen.
  • Verify the authorization for a specific boarding: the passenger arrived at the “boarding gate”, will be invited by the operator at the counter, to lend his face to the “mirror” of a FACE-KIOSK, for identification, by facial recognition of the passenger, thus proceeding with a hand free boarding.

At the Youtube link (Link) a demonstration video of the FACE2FLY system.

All Reco 3.26 systems can be easily integrated into the customer’s pre-existing infrastructure. It’s possible to customize the solution by integrating the Green Pass verification and validation system.

Markets: Airports around the world, including 126 Italian airports


Entry Exit System – Self Service Kiosk

Reco 3.26 offers a solution for managing the Schengen external borders through a biometric identification system, which can be installed at airports and ports.

The entry / exit system (EES) will allow the registration of travelers from third countries, both short-stay visa holders and visa-free travelers, whenever they cross an external EU border.

The system will record the name of the person, the type of travel document, the biometric data (fingerprints and facial images acquired) and the date and place of entry and exit, in full compliance with fundamental rights and data protection.

The traveler, in the first instance, carries out the Pre-Enrollment through Self service kiosk.

The system:

  • Verifies the authenticity of the travel document and acquires passenger data
  • Check “self-service station” eligibility
  • Check the EES relevance
  • Acquires the biometric image of the face and verifies the identity
  • Acquires fingerprints in the case of the first file
  • Record the answers to the completed multiple choice questionnaire

For incoming passengers only;

  • Register/Update EES data

Subsequently, at E-gate, the system:

  • Verify the authenticity and integrity of the travel document
  • Verify the legitimate ownership of the travel document by the passenger
  • Record the necessary passenger data
  • Checks the eligibility of the border crossing by the passenger, in accordance with predetermined rules

Markets: Airports and ports


Facial Image Capture Totem

The “Facial Image Capture Totem” solution, designed and developed by Reco 3.26, is the result of a valuable research and experimentation work.

The following are the benefits for the client of using the solution:

  • Guarantee of compliance with safety standards and with current legislation on data processing
  • Enhanced border control
  • Reduction of manual control operations and evaluation of the related results
  • User-friendly and intuitive devices. Modern, fast and safe process
  • Reduction of queues and waiting times
  • Greater protection from dangerous situations
  • Fully Automated Process

The “Facial Image Capture Totem” is made of steel and aluminum with a painted glass front and it’s equipped with:

  • display 10.1
  • antispoofing camera (3D camera)
  • face capture camera (2D camera)
  • automated vertical sliding system of the camera-monitor block
  • led lighting system
  • “intercom” system
  • bumb rails

The use of various construction solutions affects not only some purely aesthetic aspects but also production and functional aspects: on the one hand, by optimizing production times, on the other by allowing a high degree of customization of the components, particularly useful for supporting the required services, reducing the overall dimensions. From the design point of view, the vertical movement mechanism of the camera for the acquisition of facial biometrics and the perfect “usability” of the solution in full compliance with the ADA regulations are highlighted.

The ISO9001 certification of the manufacturer ensures compliance with the quality procedures necessary for the treatment and processing of materials.

All the steps that make up the process are completely automatic: from the start and adjustment of the movement of the camera, to the acquisition of the best front face, up to the return of the face image to the calling application.

People Access Control – Easy Access

The biometric access control solution, based on facial recognition, can be used to authorize a person to enter restricted areas and detect their presence.

It’s also able to:

  • Take body temperature
  • Check the validity of the Green Pass
  • Check the presence of the mask (personal protective equipment)

The control types are optional and can all be turned on/off as needed.

The solution:

  • is compatible with all personnel management systems
  • can control the opening of a turnstile or a motorized gate using a supplied Bluetooth relay
  • is a quick access system
  • protects the health of users
  • is accurate and timely

The biometric model can be saved in the user’s mobile device (decentralized storage) or, alternatively, in the centralized database.

In this context, the solution can be used for the access control of:

  • Employees
  • Providers
  • Supervisory staff
  • Police
  • Other authorized parties

Markets: Public and governmental bodies; Private companies

Main markets

The company aims to cross all kinds of borders. Not only of a technological nature, perfecting its algorithms and patenting its products, but also of a geographical nature, establishing new and solid collaborations with national and international customers. Currently, we are offering our products in Europe and South America


  • ISO 9001:2015
Photo Gallery
Computer Vision Solutions
Entry Exit System
Facial Image Capture Totem
Access Control
Smart Parking
Object recognition
NDI checks
Aluminum Material Inspection
Covid 19 Countermeasures
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Reco Solutions
Face2Fly, Reco Solution for Airports
EASY ACCESS, Reco Solution for Access Control
SARI, Reco Solution for Facial Recognition