ForteSecurGroup was founded in 2004 by Salvatore Forte, former Colonel of the Carabinieri armed force, and currently Security Manager of large companies and airlines. The HQ and offices are based in the North of Italy, where we have 180 employees and €10 mil. annual revenue. FSG started as a company specialized in security training and today we are the only European player providing integrated security projects exclusively for large companies. Our business units:
- Consulting and Training Academy
- Security service guards
- Technological security system
- Security Operation Center
ForteSecurGroup is one of the few organizations certified by ENAC (Italian Aviation Authority), qualified for aviation security training and has received many awards. Our Tech Department recently developed the Security&Safety HyperView Project which aims to control and manage the flow of people in airport spaces while guaranteeing social distance analysis in real time, thanks to an innovative Artificial Intelligence-based software.
Our numbers
Products & Services
Aviation Security Consulting: Multi-discipline expertise providing comprehensive security consultancy. Security systems analysis, design, and implementation support. Security controls Delivering the best and most trained teams to provide security checks at the airports Aviation Security Training Our training Academy offers the most awarded airport security training Technological services We are proactively searching for state-of-the-art technological solutions to improve our clients’ security systems Pandemic infection prevention A system, based on Artificial Intelligence, which monitors the flow of people and detects in real time interpersonal distance, thus supporting infection prevention.
Main Markets
We mainly operate in Italy but are currently are planning to develop abroad starting from the following countries/regions:
- Middle East
- North Africa
- Canada
- UE
Forte Secur Group has the following certifications:
- UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
- UNI CEI EN 50518:2014
- UNI 10891:20100
- UNI 10459:2017
Top 10 Clients served by the company
SAGAT Turin Airport
Bologna Airport
Gilardoni S.p.a.
Ceia S.p.a.
Aeroporti Puglia
Poste Air Cargo (formerly Mistral Air)
Air One
Our Academy has been certified by ENAC, Italian Ministry of Interior and held courses for NATO