Air Tech Italy will be a key player at the upcoming inter airport FOCUS 2023 conference.
We will be hosting two panels on sustainability.
The first panel consists f leading airport speakers and ENAC, they will discuss how airports are managing the energy transition to become zero emission airports.
During this panel discussion called ” Energy transition and sustainability: How Italian airports implement sustainability to support the transition to Net Zero emissions”
we will present the following honorable speakers:
- Costantino Pandolfi, Infrastructure Planning Director at ENAC
- Giulio De Carli, Managing Partner of One Works and President of Air Tech Italy
- Tomaso Barilli, Head of Sustainability, Environment, Energy and OH Dept, Bologna Airport
- Davide Bassano, Direttore Direzione Sostenibilità, Gruppo SAVE
- Rossella Bozzini, Head of Sustainability, Aeroporti di Roma
- Gabriele Restaldo, Head of Carbon Management and Energy Innovation, Turin Airport
The panel will be moderated by Air Tech Italy’s Communication Manager, Jean Luc Devisscher
The second panel called “Innovation and sustainability: How innovation is driving sustainability in airport operations – The role of Italian aviation companies in supporting airports going green” groups some of the Members of Air Tech Italy that will discuss how they use innovation to create sustainable solutions for airports worldwide.
It promises to be a very interesting panel that will shed a much wider light on how sustainability – on all levels of airport operations – supports airport’s move to a more sustainable aviation.
Our honorable aviation speakers:
- Andrea Cesarini, CEO at Aviogei
- Gabriele Ruggieri, Global Aviation Senior Manager at Custom
- Serena Spagnolo, Responsabile Soluzioni e Progetti – Access Solutions Business Unit at Faac
- Bert Verschuren, Business Development Manager for Sustainability at Software Design
- Gianfranco Battiato, President at Rodeco-pms pavement management systems
- Fabio Popaiz, Responsabile della manutenzione dei sistemi di monitoraggio ambientale at Softech Tecno engineering 2c
The panel will be moderated by Air Tech Italy’s Communication Manager, Jean Luc Devisscher
Want to join us at inter airport FOCUS ?
Register to the event, check out this link.