In November 2022, ENAV (the Italian ANSP) (Air Navigation Service Provider) organized an Open Day to celebrate the conclusion of the project aimed at validating the Virtual Centre Architectures in the frame of SESAR 2020 W2.
The execution of the various exercises validated the concept of “Delegation of ATM services provision among ATSUs”, together with contingency use cases. For the purpose of the campaign, one ADSP (ATM Data Service Provider) and two ATSUs (ATM Service Units) were involved in a simulated environment, focusing on the coordination between the Rome and Brindisi ACCs (Area Control Centres), also including Civil-Military operations.
The exercises were carried out at ENAV National Test Facility in Rome using COFLIGHT Cloud Services (CCS), LEONARDO radar stations and SITTI Voice Communication System (VCS) touchscreens, taking into due consideration the specific requirements to support the service interfaces with the Virtual Centre architectures defined by EUROCAE Working Group 122.
SITTI actively contributed to the success of the planned exercises through a simulated VCS environment.
The VCS facility make it possible to ATCOs (air traffic control operators) working at the (simulated) site of Brindisi to interact with their colleagues in Rome and some (simulated) pilots to run all foreseen tests and positively terminate the validation campaign.
Read the full story here;
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